Counterfeiting of alcoholic beverages has reached an incredible scale. News about mass poisoning by low-quality alcohol comes with enviable regularity. The situation is unlikely to change in the coming years. In order not to become a victim of counterfeit, consumers need to know how to distinguish real from fake cognac. We will look at the parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing a drink.

1. Consistency

Before buying, you should study the consistency of cognac, it should be thick and oily. For this, the bottle is turned upside down. If one large drop has fallen from the bottom or you see traces of liquid dripping on the glass, this is one of the indicators of a quality drink.

Often the bottle is completely filled with liquid, and it is problematic to identify a fake in the above-mentioned way. In this case, they look at the bubbles. If immediately after turning the bottle upwards, large bubbles rise up and only then small ones – with some confidence it can be argued that this is a real cognac, at least its consistency is close to the original.

Good cognac should be perfectly transparent without impurities and sediment. Its color shade depends on the aging period, the novelty of the oak barrels and the amount of caramel added. In case of turbidity or the presence of impurities, it is impossible to drink cognac.

2. Label

It should be glued neatly. Often the label of counterfeit cognacs is glued asymmetrically, defects and damages are visible on it. In expensive drinks, the label is embossed, resembling banknotes to the touch. It must contain all the necessary information (manufacturer, excerpt, etc.). I also advise you to check the presence of an excise stamp on the bottle.

If you see a label made on low quality paper or with a bad print, it is better not to buy this cognac. It is by the label that experts distinguish real cognac from fake, but it is almost impossible to do this at home, since special equipment is required.

3. Price

Good cognacs cost a lot of money, so don’t be fooled by cheap drinks, which in most cases are fake or of poor quality. The classical technology for the production of cognac is quite complicated, it requires significant material and time costs. No manufacturer will operate at a loss.

When fake expensive cognacs, for example Hennessy, the price of the counterfeit is usually 30-40% lower than the original. At the same time, the consistency and label of the counterfeit drink is not in doubt, since fraudsters use expensive and advanced imitation technologies, which are very difficult to recognize. The only protection against counterfeiting branded cognacs is buying them in trusted stores at the average market price.

4. Tasting

Already purchased drink can be assessed by smell and taste. Real cognac has a pleasant aromatic bouquet that changes upon evaporation. To check this, just pour a few drops of cognac into the glass and sprinkle them all over the glass.

First, an oak aroma should appear, which, after shaking and heating in the palms of the hands, changes to the smell of tobacco, fruit, etc. A counterfeit made from chemical additives always smells the same. A pronounced taste or smell of alcohol indicates a low quality drink or a fake.