Category The psychology of alcohol

Reasons for drinking

Our civilization got acquainted with alcohol over 6 thousand years ago, since then it has become an integral part of the life of millions of people and even entire cultures. Many of us have never thought why our friends, relatives and ourselves drink alcohol. It’s time to look into this issue.

There are several basic reasons for drinking alcohol, they are as follows:

1. Desire to relax

Stress and nervous tension began to pursue modern man everywhere. After work or school, we have little time to recover and relax. Sometimes you just want to forget about all the troubles and tune in to the “positive wave”.

But quickly changing your emotional state is very difficult. In this case, alcoholic beverages come to the rescue, which for a while allow a person not to remember about life’s difficulties. Whatever the sobriety fighters say, alcohol can be used as an antidepressant. The main thing is not to abuse (to relax with alcohol once or twice a month), the removal of everyday stress with alcohol leads to a hangover syndrome and alcoholism.

2. Trying to become bolder

There are individuals among us who suffer from various complexes and phobias. Having taken it on the chest, such people feel like real heroes, capable of doing great things (meeting a girl, dancing on the table, fighting with the first comer, etc.).

There are also more neglected cases when a person makes even serious decisions (getting a job, a deal in business) only after a few glasses of alcohol. In this situation, alcohol removes psychological constraints, but does not solve the very problem of insecurity. Therefore, insecure people need to learn to act decisively without the help of alcohol, here alcoholic drinks are more likely to harm than help.

3. The influence of society

Try to stay sober at weddings, anniversaries, and other celebrations. If in such cases you do not drink alcoholic beverages, you will be misunderstood and made an outcast. Any person is influenced by the environment in which he is. We try to imitate those around us, seeking their favor. This is human nature, you cannot argue with it.

We have two options. The first is to adapt (start drinking alcohol). The second is to change your environment. It is very difficult not to drink alcohol in a drinking company. You may not be made comments only out of politeness, but mentally everyone present will give your behavior a negative assessment.

4. Love for alcoholic beverages

There are people who like the smell, taste, or something else in alcohol. These are connoisseurs and gourmets who drink alcohol only for the pleasure of the process itself.

True connoisseurs know almost everything about their favorite alcoholic drink, and in many cases they can even prepare it on their own. It is in this group that the least number of alcoholics is found, since the process of drinking itself is important here, and not the consequences that occur after taking alcohol (good mood, lack of fear, etc.).

The situation when a person is in the last group is considered normal, in all other cases it is worth thinking about his behavior.

Can I drink alcohol in small doses?

The struggle between alcohol drinkers and temperance fighters is gaining momentum. On the one hand, the advocates of alcohol tell us that alcohol in small doses is harmless, on the other hand, “teetotalers” scare them with horror stories about the harmful effects on the body and the emergence of addiction. Today we will figure out whether it is possible to drink alcohol and remain a sane person.

In the debate about the dangers and benefits of alcohol, everyone forgot the difference between medicine and poison, and it is only in dosage. In uncontrolled quantities, even the healthiest food becomes harmful. Alcoholic drinks are no exception.

Everyone knows that it is good to eat fruits, as they contain a lot of vitamins. But try eating a bucket of apples every day. The benefits will be small, and the negative consequences will not be long in coming. Another example is exercise every day until you are exhausted. How soon will you get sick? The answer is obvious. The situation is the same with alcohol.

Small doses of alcoholic beverages are either harmless or even beneficial. For example, one or two glasses of brandy relieve headaches in hypertensive patients. Wine and vodka can help solve some digestive problems. And the French have learned to cure colds with champagne.

Of course, there are diseases in which alcohol is unacceptable. But then contraindications also apply to other products, the harmlessness of which is beyond doubt for most people. For example, sugar for diabetics. It’s just that every person should know what he can and what not.

Alcoholic beverages are common foods. Their harm and benefit is determined by the frequency of use and the amount drunk. Yes, you can’t get too carried away, but a complete rejection of alcohol does not bring any benefit.

People prone to addictions, even with a complete ban on alcohol, “find” themselves in gambling, smoking, drugs, overeating, religious fanaticism or something else. It is necessary to solve the very problem of addiction, and not write off everything on the external manifestation of the consequences.

Our ancestors have been drinking alcohol for six thousand years, and this did not lead to the death of civilization. Therefore, there is no need to dramatize the situation around alcohol. Yes, there is a problem of alcoholism in Russia. One of its reasons is the lack of a culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, but prohibitions cannot correct the situation. Gorbachev’s “dry law” 1985-1987 proved it.

Can children drink wine – expert opinions

The controversy over whether to give wine to children emerged after Boston University scientists published the sensational results of their study. Their report says wine is good for children when consumed occasionally. But many other doctors disagree with their Boston counterparts. We will consider the arguments of each side.

Boston scientists believe that the gradual introduction of alcoholic beverages in children under the supervision of their parents reduces the risk of developing alcoholism in adulthood. The study was carried out in the families of Italian winemakers and confirmed this hypothesis. There are very few alcoholics in Italy who have been drinking wine since childhood. But we are not Italy, our mentality is different.

Most Russian drug addicts do not share the optimism of their American colleagues. They believe that drinking alcohol at an early age can contribute to alcoholism, as the body begins to get used to alcohol. We do not have a highly developed drinking culture, a “small dose” of Russian can shock any European drinking. If these alcoholic traditions are extended to children, then a generation of alcoholics will appear in a few years. This is the general opinion of doctors.

The legislation also sets up barriers for children on the way to alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are allowed to be sold only to adults, their advertising is completely prohibited. But, despite the measures taken, every year child alcoholism is becoming an increasingly serious problem. For some reason, bans do not give the expected effect.

On the other hand, in any church the rite of communion is not complete without the Cahors, but no one brings priests to trial for violating the law. Communion with wine is considered completely normal, although it is inherently illegal.

By completely banning alcohol, the state has created a taboo for young people, which they really want to break. This is a kind of adult test. Sooner or later teenagers will try alcohol, that’s a fact. The only question is where it will happen: on the street among the same peers “hungry” for alcohol, or in the bosom of the family. If teenage drinking cannot be defeated, perhaps it needs to be led and controlled? This is the position of the advocates of the use of wine by children.

Raising children is a purely individual thing, each family approaches it differently. Whether to give alcohol to children should be decided by the parents themselves, based on their beliefs and the alcoholic traditions of the family. This article only discusses possible solutions to the problem, the author does not support any of the parties.

How to relieve a hangover at home

After a stormy feast, a heavy gloomy morning comes. The head hurts, the stomach refuses to work, there is a dry mouth and complete powerlessness. The day after drinking, these symptoms indicate a severe hangover (alcohol intoxication). I advise those who suffer from a hangover to learn how to get rid of a hangover at home. But there are no quick remedies, for a full recovery it takes at least 12-14 hours.

First, let’s find out what NOT to do with a hangover:

1. Drink alcoholic beverages. We like to knock out a wedge with a wedge. If alcohol is the cause of the terrible condition, then another portion is needed. Indeed, after a bottle of beer or 100 g of vodka it becomes easier, but you risk closing the circle. The treatment of a hangover with alcoholic drinks gradually turns into a new feast, and the next day the head hurts again. This is how the binge begins with all the ensuing consequences.

2. Take a bath or go to the bathhouse. Alcohol intoxication makes the heart work with increased stress. High temperature creates additional problems for the cardiovascular system.

3. Drink coffee and hot tea. Coffee increases heart rate and dry mouth. In turn, tea causes fermentation in the stomach, increasing intoxication. If you have a hangover, it is better to refuse these drinks.

How CAN a hangover be treated:

1. Sleep well. Sleep is the best hangover cure. You need to sleep until the feeling of sleepiness leaves you. Only in a dream does the body actively fight alcohol intoxication.

2. Drink plenty of mineral water, compotes and natural juices. These drinks prevent dehydration and restore the vitamin and mineral balance of the body. A cucumber pickle rich in minerals and salts is also suitable.

3. Take a light shower. Summer-temperature water washes away toxins from the skin, which are released along with sweat drops. The skin becomes clearer and better absorbs oxygen, allowing the person to recover from the hangover faster.

4. Drink a few tablets of activated charcoal. With a hangover, activated charcoal should always be drunk. It neutralizes the effects of toxic substances, preventing further poisoning of the body.

5. Take an aspirin tablet. It is recommended if the head hurts from a hangover and there are no stomach problems.

6. Eat borsch, soup or scrambled eggs. Soups and borscht are rich in vitamins, and scrambled eggs are rich in protein and amino acids. All these substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the liver – the natural filter of our body.

7. Get some fresh air. At least open the window. Better yet, go for a walk in the park. Ventilation of the lungs helps to improve metabolic processes and removes the unpleasant smell of alcohol from the mouth. But if you want to sleep, then it’s better to stay at home.

All of these methods only stimulate the normal functioning of the body, but none of them will help you quickly get out of a hangover, as it takes time. At your own peril and risk, you can use the widely advertised medical products, the manufacturers of which assure of their lightning-fast effect. But the safety of these pills is questioned by many experts.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.
