Category Alcohol and health

Alcohol and antibiotic compatibility

There are situations in life when, during the period of antibiotic treatment, a holiday with alcoholic beverages is planned. Conscious people who care about their health immediately have a question about the possibility of combining alcohol and antibiotics. Further we will analyze this topic in detail.

Most doctors do not doubt the fact that the compatibility of antibiotics with alcohol is impossible. True, there are also such doctors who believe that alcoholic beverages do not have a negative effect on the effectiveness of medicines. But they also do not recommend drinking alcohol along with antibiotics. The arguments are outlined below.

We understand that any medications are not completely harmless. By positively affecting one organ or system, they can negatively affect others. Alcohol intake during antibiotic treatment creates an additional burden on the entire body. There is a risk of aggravating the condition, especially if the person suffers from chronic diseases. In some cases, drinking alcohol with medication can trigger an allergy to alcohol .

In addition, even experienced chemists cannot predict the outcome of the interaction between antibiotics and alcohol. No pharmaceutical company in the world tests drugs for their reaction with alcohol. It is assumed that during the treatment period, patients will not drink alcohol. Chemical reactions can occur in the stomach that are not described in any chemistry textbook.

Takeaway: While taking antibiotics, alcohol can delay recovery, at best. In a difficult period for the body, doctors recommend refraining from drinking alcohol, since the risk is not justified. You will have time to drink your favorite wine, champagne, beer or vodka after your recovery. Then these drinks will bring you joy and benefits, but for now it is better to think about your health.

Can I drink alcohol in small doses?

The struggle between alcohol drinkers and temperance fighters is gaining momentum. On the one hand, the advocates of alcohol tell us that alcohol in small doses is harmless, on the other hand, “teetotalers” scare them with horror stories about the harmful effects on the body and the emergence of addiction. Today we will figure out whether it is possible to drink alcohol and remain a sane person.

In the debate about the dangers and benefits of alcohol, everyone forgot the difference between medicine and poison, and it is only in dosage. In uncontrolled quantities, even the healthiest food becomes harmful. Alcoholic drinks are no exception.

Everyone knows that it is good to eat fruits, as they contain a lot of vitamins. But try eating a bucket of apples every day. The benefits will be small, and the negative consequences will not be long in coming. Another example is exercise every day until you are exhausted. How soon will you get sick? The answer is obvious. The situation is the same with alcohol.

Small doses of alcoholic beverages are either harmless or even beneficial. For example, one or two glasses of brandy relieve headaches in hypertensive patients. Wine and vodka can help solve some digestive problems. And the French have learned to cure colds with champagne.

Of course, there are diseases in which alcohol is unacceptable. But then contraindications also apply to other products, the harmlessness of which is beyond doubt for most people. For example, sugar for diabetics. It’s just that every person should know what he can and what not.

Alcoholic beverages are common foods. Their harm and benefit is determined by the frequency of use and the amount drunk. Yes, you can’t get too carried away, but a complete rejection of alcohol does not bring any benefit.

People prone to addictions, even with a complete ban on alcohol, “find” themselves in gambling, smoking, drugs, overeating, religious fanaticism or something else. It is necessary to solve the very problem of addiction, and not write off everything on the external manifestation of the consequences.

Our ancestors have been drinking alcohol for six thousand years, and this did not lead to the death of civilization. Therefore, there is no need to dramatize the situation around alcohol. Yes, there is a problem of alcoholism in Russia. One of its reasons is the lack of a culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, but prohibitions cannot correct the situation. Gorbachev’s “dry law” 1985-1987 proved it.

Procedure for alcohol poisoning

In our country, alcohol poisoning is not uncommon. This can happen to each of us or our loved ones. The reason is not only in the large amount of alcohol consumed, even a little drinking person can be poisoned by low-quality (fake) alcoholic beverages. Therefore, everyone should know what to do in this situation.

First you need to determine whether a person has been poisoned by alcohol or is simply severely intoxicated.

Signs of alcohol poisoning:

  • glitter in the eyes.
  • redness of the face.
  • slower heart rate and increased sweating.
  • dilated pupils.
  • slow breathing, complete detachment from reality, vomiting appears in some cases.
  • loss of consciousness.

If you see these symptoms, act quickly and decisively, otherwise the person may fall into an alcoholic coma and die.

Procedure for alcohol poisoning

1. Call an ambulance.

2. Remove alcohol residues from the victim’s stomach so that they do not have time to be absorbed into the blood. To do this, induce vomiting by irritation of the root of the tongue or in other ways. The head of the poisoned person should be lowered down and tilted to the side.

You can not put a person on his back, as in this position he can choke on vomit or abundant saliva. Until the arrival of doctors, the victim should not be left unattended.

3. Try to bring the person to consciousness by providing blood flow to the head. To do this, the poisoned person is quickly rubbed his ears.

4. If the victim can perform swallowing movements, you should cleanse his stomach with a solution of soda. The concentration of the solution is one tablespoon of baking soda per liter of boiled water. After washing the stomach, a person needs to drink 8-10 tablets of activated carbon.

5. Neutralize the effect of alcohol with regular bee honey. The victim is given 100-200 grams of honey in two doses.

6. Deliver the poisoned person to the hospital so that doctors can accurately determine the degree of his poisoning and provide qualified assistance.

I hope that the knowledge of first aid to a person with alcohol poisoning will never be useful to you.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

Lethal dose of alcohol in ppm

In the question of the lethal dose of alcohol, scientists and doctors do not give an unambiguous answer, since the body of each of us is individual. Only averaged values in ppm and liters are known. But they can also be useful.

Let’s first understand the wording. The unit ppm denotes a thousandth of one substance in another. 1 ppm of alcohol indicates that there is 1 ml of pure alcohol in one liter of human blood. It should be understood that pure alcohol is even stronger than alcohol.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the lethal dose of alcohol per ppm is 5-6 units , and strong intoxication occurs at a concentration of 2.5 ppm. But it’s easier for us to count the alcohol we drink in bottles and liters. Let’s translate this dose into more understandable units.

One bottle of vodka contains about 200 ml of pure alcohol (2.5 ppm). Therefore, for a healthy body, a lethal dose will be one and a half liters of vodka (three bottles of 0.5 liters). But a person should drink these three bottles in a short period of time (up to an hour) and should not be vomited.

The situation is different with beer and wine. The alcohol concentration in these drinks is much lower than in vodka. When recalculated in liters, their lethal dose is several times higher than the “vodka” maximum. In a short period, most people simply will not be able to drink such a significant amount of beer or wine, they will have a gag reflex, our body also knows how to defend itself.

The likelihood of death from alcohol consumption is highly dependent on age, weight and the presence of chronic diseases. Young and old people are much more sensitive to alcohol than everyone else. The situation is aggravated by diseases of the stomach and kidneys, bad snacks, as well as the quality of alcoholic beverages.

Can children drink wine – expert opinions

The controversy over whether to give wine to children emerged after Boston University scientists published the sensational results of their study. Their report says wine is good for children when consumed occasionally. But many other doctors disagree with their Boston counterparts. We will consider the arguments of each side.

Boston scientists believe that the gradual introduction of alcoholic beverages in children under the supervision of their parents reduces the risk of developing alcoholism in adulthood. The study was carried out in the families of Italian winemakers and confirmed this hypothesis. There are very few alcoholics in Italy who have been drinking wine since childhood. But we are not Italy, our mentality is different.

Most Russian drug addicts do not share the optimism of their American colleagues. They believe that drinking alcohol at an early age can contribute to alcoholism, as the body begins to get used to alcohol. We do not have a highly developed drinking culture, a “small dose” of Russian can shock any European drinking. If these alcoholic traditions are extended to children, then a generation of alcoholics will appear in a few years. This is the general opinion of doctors.

The legislation also sets up barriers for children on the way to alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are allowed to be sold only to adults, their advertising is completely prohibited. But, despite the measures taken, every year child alcoholism is becoming an increasingly serious problem. For some reason, bans do not give the expected effect.

On the other hand, in any church the rite of communion is not complete without the Cahors, but no one brings priests to trial for violating the law. Communion with wine is considered completely normal, although it is inherently illegal.

By completely banning alcohol, the state has created a taboo for young people, which they really want to break. This is a kind of adult test. Sooner or later teenagers will try alcohol, that’s a fact. The only question is where it will happen: on the street among the same peers “hungry” for alcohol, or in the bosom of the family. If teenage drinking cannot be defeated, perhaps it needs to be led and controlled? This is the position of the advocates of the use of wine by children.

Raising children is a purely individual thing, each family approaches it differently. Whether to give alcohol to children should be decided by the parents themselves, based on their beliefs and the alcoholic traditions of the family. This article only discusses possible solutions to the problem, the author does not support any of the parties.

Drinking tips or how not to become an alcoholic

Among lovers of alcoholic beverages, there are always people who, over time, cross the permitted line and cease to feel the measure. It seems to them that the situation is under control, but it is not. To avoid dire consequences, I advise you to read the tips to help you avoid becoming an alcoholic. All of these recommendations are suitable for any alcohol, regardless of its strength.

1. Drink alcohol in small, rare sips, counting their quantity. Try to drink each next glass or glass for more sips.

2. Take a break from the glass from time to time. You can listen to music, dance, chat with others, etc.

3. Enjoy the aromatic bouquet of the alcoholic drink, drink slowly and tastefully (if it is not vodka).

4. In the company, follow the example of those who drink slowly. Find such a person and start imitating him. For example, until he raises his glass, you do not raise yours.

5. Dilute alcohol with soft drinks – juice or non-carbonated water. Soda is not suitable, as it promotes rapid intoxication.

6. Have a good snack and never drink on an empty stomach.

7. Do not drink alcohol more than twice a week. This recommendation also applies to low alcohol drinks. For example, beer alcoholism develops faster than dependence on vodka or brandy.

8. Come to your favorite bar 1-2 hours later than you used to, and leave at the same time.

9. If you feel that you have already drunk your dose, refuse another drink, even if you are persistently asked to knock over another glass. Saying no is one of the most useful skills in an adult.

The benefits of red wine for the human body

Conversations about the benefits of alcoholic beverages irritate the supporters of a sober lifestyle, they refuse to admit this fact, claiming that alcohol is harmful. But scientists at Yale University were able to prove the benefits of red wine and its positive effects on the body as a whole. True, there are several nuances in this matter that need to be taken into account.

Quality. Only high-quality red dry wines are useful. If you go to the store to buy the cheapest wine there, then don’t dream of its benefits. Most likely, this is a mixture of alcohol, dyes and flavors, which in its essence is not wine.

Quantity. In countries with a developed alcoholic culture, drunk wine is considered to be glasses, while in our country it is considered to be bottles. That is why they talk about its benefits, and we talk about harm.

Restrictions. Red wine is not good for everyone. In many chronic diseases, it is contraindicated, especially if a person is taking medications. In this case, it is better to consult your doctor.

Red wine is rich in vitamins C, B, B2, B6, PP, minerals, iodine, manganese, sodium, titanium, potassium and phosphorus. These substances stimulate the body’s metabolism, improving overall well-being. The tannins contained in the drink make the vessels elastic. Red wines soothe, relieve stress, stimulate appetite and eliminate cholesterol. There was even a new direction in treatment – wine therapy.

Even dry red wine has a positive effect on tooth enamel. It makes it harder for bacteria to stick to teeth and gums, preventing tooth decay from developing. Interestingly, white wine, on the other hand, is harmful to the teeth, as its high acidity irritates the enamel. To neutralize this acid, white wines should be eaten with hard cheeses.

Some experts believe that red wine helps fight cancer, but this hypothesis has not yet been proven.

Glycemic index and calorie content of vodka

Vodka occupies the bottom lines of the calorie rating of alcoholic beverages, and its nutritional value is close to zero. But this does not mean that the drink is suitable for those who are struggling with excess weight. With increased caution, it is necessary to treat vodka for people who, for health reasons, are forced to plan a diet taking into account the glycemic index.

Calorie content of vodka

Vodka is a distillation alcohol diluted with water to the desired strength. There are no proteins and fats in the drink, but the composition contains a small amount of carbohydrates – no more than 0.4 g per 100 ml of product. This feature is due to the fact that the basis for production is agricultural crops – wheat, rye, potatoes or corn. During the distillation process, the raw materials lose their nutritional value, but a small part of the carbohydrates remains. It is also important that manufacturers often improve the taste of the drink with the help of sugar syrup, honey, aromatic additives.

The calorie content of vodka may vary depending on the variety. The average value is 235 kcal per 100 g. The indicator is not high when comparing the drink with dessert wines and sweet liqueurs. For example, the nutritional value of creamy Bailey’s is already 327 kcal. Nevertheless, in terms of calorie content, vodka is close to pork meat, which has an average energy value of 260 kcal per 100 g.

Alcohol affects the breakdown of fat in the body. Metabolism takes place in the liver, which converts the supplied nutrients into energy necessary for vital functions. In the case of vodka, the protective function comes to the fore – the cells break down ethanol, trying to quickly remove it from the body. As a result, fat metabolism is inhibited, which contributes to weight gain.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition conducted research on the effects of alcohol on fat metabolism. The experiment involved 8 men who drank two portions of alcohol with an interval of half an hour, all this time, measurements of the intensity of fat metabolism were made. The results showed that only 100 g of strong alcohol is capable of inhibiting the metabolism of fats in the liver by 78%.

Another danger of alcoholic beverages is that they are consumed in addition to the daily diet. Ethanol acts on the brain, activating food centers and removing psychological restrictions. Therefore, at the festive table, there is a great danger of going beyond the usual rate of calorie intake, which is not reflected in the best way on the figure.

Glycemic index of vodka

With diabetes and some types of diets, the glycemic index (GI) is taken into account – an indicator that determines the ability of foods to change blood sugar levels. Despite the fact that the GI of vodka is zero, ethanol causes severe fluctuations in glucose levels, which can be dangerous in endocrine diseases.

The liver cells occupied with alcohol neutralization cease to function normally. As a result, glycogen production is inhibited, and blood sugar levels plummet. This situation is fraught with the development of a hypoglycemic crisis. The problem is aggravated by the fact that with diabetes, the patient additionally takes drugs that lower glucose levels.

If the meal is accompanied by a plentiful snack with a high carbohydrate content, the opposite process is possible – hyperglycemia, leading to coma. For this reason, diabetic patients need to be very careful to drink vodka or even refuse it altogether.

Is it possible to get fat from vodka

Drinking spirits without a snack will not lead to weight gain. During the breakdown of alcohol, energy is released, sufficient for the functioning of the body. Therefore, dependence on alcohol in the late stages of alcoholism causes a decrease in body weight, since as a result of the destructive effect of ethanol on the internal organs, a person also loses his sense of appetite.

Vodka has fewer calories than other alcoholic beverages, so the main danger for the figure is a plentiful snack. To stay on top of your diet during the holidays, do not mix the strong drink with sugary fruit juices and lemonades.

Low Calorie Shake Supplements:

  • lime or lemon;
  • diluted cranberry juice;
  • tea with ice;
  • mineral water with mint and stevia.

The best helper in the fight against excess weight is moderation. If you’re on a diet, treat vodka like a piece of cake or ice cream and only consume the drink in exceptional cases.

Is it possible to get fat from beer – the correct answer to an exciting question

Drinking beer leads to weight gain, as its opponents say. Indeed, many fans of the foamy drink clearly see the “beer” belly of impressive size. But its appearance is only indirectly related to beer. The real reason lies in another aspect of beer culture.

In some countries, beer is called “liquid bread” because it is made from barley. Hence the myth of its high calorie content arose. In fact, beer is one of the lowest-calorie alcoholic drinks, only 29-53 Kcal per 100 grams. For comparison, the calorie content of vodka is 231-250, that is, 8-10 times more.

Now let’s think about what we used to eat beer? Usually these are high-calorie snacks: nuts, chips, crackers, fish, etc. By consuming these products often and in large quantities, beer lovers get fat before our eyes.

Another important point is that after a few bottles of beer, most people have a brutal appetite. The carbon dioxide in the drink expands the stomach and irritates the receptors. The body begins to demand more food. As a result, together with beer, we eat a huge amount of high-calorie foods.

Conclusion: people get fat not from beer, but because of snacks eaten with it.

How much beer can you drink per day

According to statistics, every second resident of Russia has tasted beer at least once in his life. Many people liked its taste so much that now they are ready to drink beer every day. But excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health. I advise you to remember the maximum allowable daily dose.

Beer can be viewed not only as an alcoholic beverage, but also as a food product. It contains vitamins and trace elements useful for the body. Beer is also lower in calories than fruit juices and cola because it does not contain sugar. Even special beer diets have been developed to help you lose weight.

The benefits and harms depend on the quantity and quality of the drink. Experts recommend healthy people without chronic diseases to drink no more than 0.5 liters of beer per day and to give it up at least twice a week. Moreover, the drink itself must be of high quality.

Not following this recommendation, you risk ruining your stomach with the remains of brewer’s yeast and harm the cardiovascular system. Also, do not forget about beer alcoholism. Addiction to low alcohol drinks develops several times faster than to strong alcohol.
